:: It is recommended to test the script on a local machine for its purpose and effects. :: ManageEngine Desktop Central will not be responsible for any :: damage/loss to the data/setup based on the behavior of the script. :: Description - Script to Create Folder :: Parameters - "" :: Remarks - Foder name cannot contain any of the following characters \/:*?"<>| :: Configuration Type - COMPUTER/USER :: =========================================================================================================================== @echo off set fc=fail IF NOT %1=="" ( if exist %1 ( set fc=exis goto setStatus ) mkdir %1 ) else ( set fc=param goto setStatus ) If %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 set fc=success :setStatus if "%fc%"=="success" ( echo Folder %1 created successfully exit 0 ) else if "%fc%"=="fail" ( echo Not able to create folder. Please check description of the script and file name given in parameter exit 1 ) else if "%fc%"=="param" ( echo Please give folder name in paramaeter exit 1 ) else if "%fc%"=="exis" ( echo Folder %1 Already exist exit 0 )